Pint and Dale House Concert

What: a Concert
When: Saturday, June 19, 1999
Where: Corning/Painted Post, NY
How Much: donation: $7.50..$10

Pint 'n Dale

"William Pint and Felicia Dale have traveled the world playing maritime music and finding new songs about the role of the sea in people's lives.

"That's right, nautical music - the music of the sea. Songs, whether they be contemporary songs with the sea as a theme or the traditional work songs sung aboard the tall ships to organize the work of the crew. We take these songs as a source of inspiration for our music - giving them our own special twist. We have a tremendously good time playing it and hope that you will enjoy listening and participating in it either at a live performance or through our recordings.

"What is that strange instrument she's got?

"That unusual device Felicia plays is a hurdy-gurdy, an instrument that dates back to at least the 12th Century. It sounds a bit like the bagpipes but is actually a type of mechanical violin."

The above was a bit I took from Pint and Dale's website.

From personal experience, I took Zachary to hear William and Felicia in England when he was only four. It was not unusual for Zach to be taken along to the folk club on Friday nights but he found this one to be particularly inspiring. It was that night that Zach decided he was going to learn to play many instruments. At the time, the list was fairly long, based on the number of instuments he had heard that night. (Where can I find a hurdy-gurdy teacher around here?) Zach is seven now and playing the piano as a first instrument. Bring your children, if you like.

Target donations to the musicians between $7.50 and $10 per adult (the cost of a movie, but much more personal).

Optional but recommended Dish-to-Pass Supper. Arrive 6:45, eat at 7:00 sharp. Place settings provided. BYO beverages or drink our water.

Please RSVP if possible by e-mail or phone. Address and easy-to-follow directions to house available by e-mail or phone (607.962.4461).

(Debra Chesman)

More info about Pint 'n Dale.

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