Rod MacDonald in Concert

What: Cornell Folk Song Club Concert
When: Saturday, September 13, 2003
Where: 165 McGraw Hall,
Cornell University
How Much: $10 advance / $12 door / usual rebates at the door

Rod MacDonald
Rod MacDonald

Rod MacDonald, a veteran of the New York City urban acoustic scene, now hails from West Palm Beach, Florida. He was an integral part of Fast Folk -- a musical magazine/movement/community that produced more than 100 albums in the eighties and nineties. Rod's songs show up there more than those of almost any other artist.

Rod's range of songs is diverse. Some can be best described as mystical and haunting, others outrageous and funny, and still others provocative and hard hitting. He definitely has his political bent, but unlike some of his contemporaries, he can be passionate without being too earnest, topical and timely while possessing the grace of being universal and timeless. He is a wonderfully laid-back performer who sparkles with wry humor ("Aliens in Business Suits" comes to mind). He has a clear tenor voice with a softness that makes the message of his songs all the more powerful. He writes some sweet melodies and lyrical love songs, too. Yet romance, in his hands, can have an edge: how many love songs do you know that refer to the terror of Argentina's Pinochet regime? Perhaps it's the quirkiness of a Manhattan/Palm Beach split?

Rod makes his way through Ithaca every few years, and he is always welcome back.

Tickets are available at Ithaca Guitar Works, Colophon Books (formerly Borealis Bookstore), Greenstar Co-op, Small World Music, Bound for Glory, and, if any are left, at the door. You may also order tickets online and by mail from CFSC, PO Box 481, Ithaca, NY 14851.

(John Henderson)

For information about the concert, contact

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