Hands Four Dance

When: Saturday, October 25, 2008
Where: BJ Martin School Gym
Ithaca, NY
How Much: $9:members, $12:others

Springing up in the 1980s in the heart of the Pioneer Valley, Asparagus Capital of Massachusetts, the renowned band WILD ASPARAGUS has been vital in the contra dance renaissance. Their monthly first-Saturdays in Greenfield are packed. Over the years, they have put their individual stamp on traditional tunes from New England, Canada, the wider Celtic world, and beyond. Their hallmark is playfulness: imaginative arrangements and dynamic pacing that draw on sources from medieval Brittany to pop to hot Latin grooves. Don't miss this unique blend of skilled musicianship, creativity, and energy! Becky Tracy on fiddle shows incomparable flow and soul; David Cantieni, woodwind wizard, provides exuberant melody with flutes, tin whistle, oboe, saxophone, and bombard; Ann Percival on piano, guitar, and vocals is the essential heartbeat of the band; George Marshall, gifted at English concertina, bodhran, and bones, brings drive and does double duty as a caller renowned for simple, elegant teaching and an excellent selection of dances.

The afternoon session is aimed for experienced dancers. The evening dance is suitable for all levels and beginners are welcome; no partner needed. A newcomers' workshop at 7:30 pm will cover basic steps and patterns. All dances are taught. Bring clean, soft-soled shoes to protect the floor. And bring a dish-to-pass for a potluck at 5:45 pm. Info: 607-273-7076 or hands4dancers.org.

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